Mirror Test for EC: best test to generate enhanced conversions

Mirror test is a well-defined test to run against a mirror. Learn how to run a EC test:

Mirror test is a behavioral technique, that was developed in 1970 by an American psychologist.
This is an attempt to determine whether an animal possesses the ability of visual self-recognition.
After prolonged exposure to their reflected images in mirrors, chimpanzees marked with red dye showed evidence of being able to recognize their own reflections. Monkeys did not appear to have this capacity.

Enhanced conversions is a feature to improve the accuracy of conversion measurement and unlock powerful bidding.
This feature will use a one-way hashing algorithm called SHA256 on 1p data, such as email addresses.

Mirror with EC is a product that empowers you to generate enhanced conversions. Contact us if you have more questions!

Try with the links and inputs below to generate your first enhanced conversion~

EC with gTag

Enhanced Conversion
EC Tag Mirror

EC with conversion adjustment

API EC Conversion